(UNESCO World Heritage Site) ̴ ž! : ˷ ȭ(Cultural Heritage) ڿ(Natural Heritage), (Mixed Heritage) Ͽ, ηȭ(Intangible Cultural Heritage) (Memory of the World) ȭ ̴. (UNESCO World Heritage Site) (Site)̶ ε(ߧ) Ѱ迡 ʴ. , η ȭ ε꿡 ѵ ƴϱ , ȸ ̶ äߴ. ڿ(Natural Heritage) 길 ȣ ִ (Global Geoparks Network) Ǻ(Man and the Biosphere Programme) ȭϸ, ڿ ȣ ֵ ȭϰ ִ.
̿ ̵ϡν ηȭ(Intangible Cultural Heritage), (Memory of the World), (Global Geoparks Network) Ǻ(Man and the Biosphere Programme) (UNESCO World Heritage Site) 弱ν Բ ҰѴ. (Knowledge's Ark) (World Heritage) ø 2ź . (World Heritage) 踦 ѱ̶ ѹ £ Ѹ 꿡 32 ñ ÿϰ ذ 帳ϴ. Ź TTN Korea ̴ Ѽ() (Knowledge's Ark) Բ , õ, ϵ ! B
, , Ǻ... ڲ?! : ġ(Outstanding Universal Value, OUV) ϴ (World Heritage) ڿ(Natural Heritage) (UNESCOGlobal Geoparks) ȣ Ѵٴ , Ǻ(Man and the Biosphere Programme) ߿ ȣϴ ָ Ѵٴ ȴ.
(ݶ) (Negative Heritage) аϸ? : η νø(Ű ) ϰ 1996 ϴµ ߴ. ̱ Ϻ ۿ °? ϰ, Ϻ ħ ڰ ƴ϶ ź ڡ ǹϱ. (ݶ) (Negative heritage) Ϲ Ѵٴ ȿ ġ ٸ ٰ . 1996 湮ϴ 鸸 (Ϻ ) Ϻ ħ ڰ ƴ϶ ڷ νϰ DZ ̴!
, 迡 ó ϴ! : ڰ ʷ η ̶ DZ źߴ. Ʈ ƺνɺ(Abu Simbel) ΰ ϰ ǼǴ ϰ ƽ ̴(Aswan High Dam) ҽǵ ó ־ . 20Ⱓ ݰ η (World Heritage) źŲ ̴.
̷, (5) : (World Heritage) ѷΰ (ַ ) Ȥ , ̿ ݴ ϱ Ѵ. (World Heritage) ̻ ȣ Ȱ ƴұ ʹ. 嵵 µ , , پ о߿ ֱ ̴. 1() ۿ û ʴ´ٴ Ƿ, ٱ ȴ.
DZ(Publication Right)
ǥ(Main Title Page)
(Knowledge's Ark) ø
. (World Heritage)
01. ?(5)
02. ˷ּ!
02-A1. ȭ(Cultural Heritage) 3
02-A2. ڿ(Natural Heritage) 3
02-A3. (Mixed Heritage)
02-B. ηȭ(Intangible Cultural Heritage)(4)
02-C. (Memory of the World)(4)
02-D. (Global Geoparks Network)(9)
02-E. Ǻ(Man and the Biosphere Programme)(3)
03. Ѵ ? (Transboundary Heritage)(3)
04. ִ ?
05. ִ ? (Serial Heritage)(3)
06. 꿡 Ǹ ?
07. 꿡 DZ 10 ?
08. 5ܰ ˷ּ!
09. , ɼ Ѱ?
10. ֱ ?
11. 꿡 ѱ õ డ 뼺?
12. ƿ콴 ̴?! (ݶ) (Negative Heritage)(4)
13. ر (ݶ) ?
14. , ġ Ⱑ ȴٱ?
15. ϵdz?(2)
16. ?(2)
17. 迡 ó (World Heritage in Danger) 7
18. 迡 ó ?
19. 迡 Ż
20. Ź(FIT)
21. 蹮ȭ ȣ 弭 Ϻ
22. , (Tentative Lists)(4)
23. ü ?(ǥ2)
24. 迡 ?
25. 迡 ȭ ?
26. 迡 ڿ ?
27. 迡 ?
28. ϳ ֳ?(3)
29. ʿ ִ ?
30. ʿ ִ ?
31. ѷ 6
32. ̷, (5)
(World Heritage) ø(5)
Ź TTN Korea (244)
Ź TTN Theme Travel News Korea
Bookstore APP https://goo.gl/3qeeZu
DZ(Publication Right)
ǥ(Main Title Page)
(Knowledge's Ark) ø
. (World Heritage)
01. ?(5)
02. ˷ּ!
02-A1. ȭ(Cultural Heritage) 3
02-A2. ڿ(Natural Heritage) 3
02-A3. (Mixed Heritage)
02-B. ηȭ(Intangible Cultural Heritage)(4)
02-C. (Memory of the World)(4)
02-D. (Global Geoparks Network)(9)
02-E. Ǻ(Man and the Biosphere Programme)(3)
03. Ѵ ? (Transboundary Heritage)(3)
04. ִ ?
05. ִ ? (Serial Heritage)(3)
06. 꿡 Ǹ ?
07. 꿡 DZ 10 ?
08. 5ܰ ˷ּ!
09. , ɼ Ѱ?
10. ֱ ?
11. 꿡 ѱ õ డ 뼺?
12. ƿ콴 ̴?! (ݶ) (Negative Heritage)(4)
13. ر (ݶ) ?
14. , ġ Ⱑ ȴٱ?
15. ϵdz?(2)
16. ?(2)
17. 迡 ó (World Heritage in Danger) 7
18. 迡 ó ?
19. 迡 Ż
20. Ź(FIT)
21. 蹮ȭ ȣ 弭 Ϻ
22. , (Tentative Lists)(4)
23. ü ?(ǥ2)
24. 迡 ?
25. 迡 ȭ ?
26. 迡 ڿ ?
27. 迡 ?
28. ϳ ֳ?(3)
29. ʿ ִ ?
30. ʿ ִ ?
31. ѷ 6
32. ̷, (5)
(World Heritage) ø(5)
Ź TTN Korea (244)
Ź TTN Theme Travel News Korea
Bookstore APP https://goo.gl/3qeeZu