<Ʈ - ǥ ǰ 4>
Ʈ (Vincent van Gogh)
״ ȭ. ״ ο ä Ư¡ ǰ .
1886~1888 ĸ λ, λ ´. ǰ عٶ⡯, Ƹ ħǡ, ǻ ʻ ִ.
<ó ο> ̼(θ)
* ֿȰ
1853 : 3 30 ״ Ʈ صƮ .
1869 : ĺ ΰ ϴ ȭ ̱ ȭ Ǹϴ .
1875 : ȭ ĸ . ̼ ٴϰ å Žϴ Ȱ .
1876 : ȭ ΰ ӹ ״ ư.
1878 : 簡 Ƿ θ Ͽ . 3 Ӹ .
1883 : ǰȰ .
1885 : Դ 顷 ϼ.
1888 : Ƹ '' ü õ. .Ƹ ī , عٶ⡷ ǰ .
1889 : ĸ ̿ ִ Կ. ̰ 㡷 .
1890 : ڻ õ. δٰ 7 29Ͽ .
1. Culegatoareade morcovi
2. Der Liebhaber-Portratdes Lieutenants Milliet
3. Guingette(drinking establishment)
4. Head of a woman
5. La Crauseen from Montmajour
6. Park with fence
7. Pollard birches
8. Quittenstilleben
9. The discus thrower
10. The enclosed wheatfieldafter a storm
11. The rock of Montmajourwith pine trees
12. The sower
13. Three hands, two holding forks
14. Tree with ivy in the garden of the asylum
15. Vestibuldes Hospitals beiSaint-Remy
16. Winter garden
17. Worn out