<Ʈ - ǥ ǰ 3>
Ʈ (Vincent van Gogh)
״ ȭ. ״ ο ä Ư¡ ǰ .
1886~1888 ĸ λ, λ ´. ǰ عٶ⡯, Ƹ ħǡ, ǻ ʻ ִ.
<ó ο> ̼(θ)
* ֿȰ
1853 : 3 30 ״ Ʈ صƮ .
1869 : ĺ ΰ ϴ ȭ ̱ ȭ Ǹϴ .
1875 : ȭ ĸ . ̼ ٴϰ å Žϴ Ȱ .
1876 : ȭ ΰ ӹ ״ ư.
1878 : 簡 Ƿ θ Ͽ . 3 Ӹ .
1883 : ǰȰ .
1885 : Դ 顷 ϼ.
1888 : Ƹ '' ü õ. .Ƹ ī , عٶ⡷ ǰ .
1889 : ĸ ̿ ִ Կ. ̰ 㡷 .
1890 : ڻ õ. δٰ 7 29Ͽ .
1. The pink peach tree
2. The white orchard
3. Montmartre: behind the Moulin de la Galette
4. Garden in Montmartewith lovers
5. View of Paris
6. Shoes
7. Weaver, with a baby in a highchair
8. The garden of Saint-Paul's Hospital
9. Wheatfield with partridge
10. Tree-roots
11. The potato eaters
12. Still life with bible
13. The boulevard de Clichy
14. Landscape with a stack of peat and farmhouses
15. Window in the studio
16. Tree and bushes in the garden of the asylum
17. Landscape with houses (recto); Blossoming chestnut trees by a house (verso)
18. Two sheets with four drawings