<Ʈ - ǥ ǰ 2>
Ʈ (Vincent van Gogh)
״ ȭ. ״ ο ä Ư¡ ǰ .
1886~1888 ĸ λ, λ ´. ǰ عٶ⡯, Ƹ ħǡ, ǻ ʻ ִ.
<ó ο> ̼(θ)
* ֿȰ
1853 : 3 30 ״ Ʈ صƮ .
1869 : ĺ ΰ ϴ ȭ ̱ ȭ Ǹϴ .
1875 : ȭ ĸ . ̼ ٴϰ å Žϴ Ȱ .
1876 : ȭ ΰ ӹ ״ ư.
1878 : 簡 Ƿ θ Ͽ . 3 Ӹ .
1883 : ǰȰ .
1885 : Դ 顷 ϼ.
1888 : Ƹ '' ü õ. .Ƹ ī , عٶ⡷ ǰ .
1889 : ĸ ̿ ִ Կ. ̰ 㡷 .
1890 : ڻ õ. δٰ 7 29Ͽ .
1. Undergrowth
2. Irises
3. Olive grove
4. The bedroom
5. Flowerpot with China chives
6. Sprig of flowering almond blossom in a glass
7. Emperor moth
8. Field with flowers near Arles
9. Small pear tree in blossom
10. The yellow house (The street)
11. Sunflowers
12. The harvest
13. Night (after Millet)
14. Snow-covered field with a harrow (after Millet)
15. Almond blossom
16. Fishing boats on the beach at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
17. Self-portrait as painter
18. The sower