<Ʈ - ǥ ǰ 1>
Ʈ (Vincent van Gogh)
״ ȭ. ״ ο ä Ư¡ ǰ .
1886~1888 ĸ λ, λ ´. ǰ عٶ⡯, Ƹ ħǡ, ǻ ʻ ִ.
<ó ο> ̼(θ)
* ֿȰ
1853 : 3 30 ״ Ʈ صƮ .
1869 : ĺ ΰ ϴ ȭ ̱ ȭ Ǹϴ .
1875 : ȭ ĸ . ̼ ٴϰ å Žϴ Ȱ .
1876 : ȭ ΰ ӹ ״ ư.
1878 : 簡 Ƿ θ Ͽ . 3 Ӹ .
1883 : ǰȰ .
1885 : Դ 顷 ϼ.
1888 : Ƹ '' ü õ. .Ƹ ī , عٶ⡷ ǰ .
1889 : ĸ ̿ ִ Կ. ̰ 㡷 .
1890 : ڻ õ. δٰ 7 29Ͽ .
1. Garden of the hospital
2. Gate in the Paris ramparts
3. Olive grove
4. Old vineyard with peasant woman
5. Fountain in the garden of the asylum
6. The sower (after Millet)
7. Houses in Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
8. Landscape with path and pollard willows
9. Seascape near Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
10. Wheatfield under thunderclouds
11. Vase with gladioli and China asters
12. The cottage
13. Avenue with poplars in autumn
14. Portrait of an old man
15. Portrait of Camille Roulin
16. Wheatfield with crows
17. Garden of a bathhouse
18. Wheatfield with a reaper